Supercharge Your Down Payment: CMHC, Grants & Rebates for Mortgage in Canada

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By Nelson Joseph

Apply for Grants & Rebates for Mortgage in Canada

grants rebates for mortgage in Canada
Supercharge Your Down Payment: CMHC, Grants & Rebates for Mortgage in Canada 2

Purchasing a home in Canada is a significant milestone, but it often comes with substantial financial challenges. Thankfully, various government programs, such as those offered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), can provide essential assistance. This blog post explores how CMHC and other government grants and rebates can help you secure your Canadian mortgage and make homeownership more attainable.

Understanding CMHC and Its Role

The CMHC is a crown corporation that plays a pivotal role in Canada’s housing market. Its primary mission is to make housing affordable and accessible for all Canadians. One of the key ways CMHC achieves this is through its mortgage insurance program. This insurance protects lenders against borrower default, enabling them to offer mortgages with lower down payments and more favorable terms.

Benefits of CMHC Mortgage Insurance

  1. Lower Down Payments: With CMHC insurance, you can secure a mortgage with as little as 5% down payment. This is particularly beneficial for first-time homebuyers who might struggle to save a large sum.
  2. Access to Better Interest Rates: CMHC insurance often allows lenders to offer better interest rates, reducing the overall cost of your mortgage.
  3. Extended Amortization Periods: CMHC-insured mortgages can have amortization periods of up to 25 years, making monthly payments more manageable.

Government Grants and Rebates

In addition to CMHC, various federal and provincial government grants and rebates can significantly ease the financial burden of buying a home. Let’s delve into some of the most impactful programs available.

First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

The First-Time Home Buyer Incentive is a shared-equity mortgage program introduced by the federal government. It aims to reduce monthly mortgage payments without increasing the amount needed for a down payment.

  • How It Works: The government offers 5% or 10% of the home’s purchase price to first-time buyers. This contribution is repayable after 25 years or when the property is sold, whichever comes first.
  • Eligibility: To qualify, your household income must be below $120,000, and the mortgage must be less than four times your qualifying income.

Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP)

The Home Buyers’ Plan allows first-time homebuyers to withdraw up to $35,000 from their Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) to put towards the purchase of a home, tax-free.

  • Repayment: The amount withdrawn must be repaid within 15 years to avoid tax penalties.
  • Eligibility: You must be a first-time homebuyer or have not owned a home in the previous four years.

GST/HST New Housing Rebate

If you purchase a new home or substantially renovate an existing one, you may be eligible for a rebate on the GST or HST paid.

  • Rebate Amount: The rebate can be up to 36% of the GST paid on the purchase price or cost of renovation, depending on the province.
  • Eligibility: This rebate applies to newly constructed or significantly renovated homes, including owner-built homes.

Energy-Efficient Housing Programs

Several programs encourage homeowners to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, which can result in substantial savings on utility bills and increase the home’s value.

  • CMHC Green Home Program: Offers a refund of up to 25% on your CMHC mortgage loan insurance premium when you buy, build, or renovate for energy efficiency.
  • Federal and Provincial Rebates: Programs like the Canada Greener Homes Grant provide grants of up to $5,000 for energy-efficient upgrades.

Provincial and Territorial Programs

Different provinces and territories in Canada offer their own grants and rebates to support homebuyers. Here are a few notable ones:

Ontario: Land Transfer Tax Refund

First-time homebuyers in Ontario may qualify for a refund of all or part of the land transfer tax.

  • Maximum Refund: Up to $4,000.
  • Eligibility: Must be a first-time homebuyer and meet specific residency and purchase criteria.

British Columbia: First Time Home Buyers’ Program

This program reduces or eliminates the property transfer tax for first-time homebuyers.

  • Full Exemption: For homes valued up to $500,000.
  • Partial Exemption: For homes valued between $500,000 and $525,000.

Quebec: Home Buyers’ Tax Credit

Quebec offers a non-refundable tax credit for first-time homebuyers, which can help with the costs associated with purchasing a home.

  • Credit Amount: Up to $750.
  • Eligibility: Must be a first-time homebuyer or purchasing for a disabled person.

Leveraging These Programs

Navigating the myriad of available programs can be daunting, but the benefits make it worthwhile. Here are some steps to help you leverage these grants and rebates effectively:

  1. Research and Plan: Understand which programs you qualify for and how they align with your home-buying goals.
  2. Consult Professionals: Work with mortgage brokers, real estate agents, and financial advisors who are familiar with these programs.
  3. Stay Informed: Government policies and programs can change, so staying updated ensures you don’t miss out on any opportunities.


Government programs like CMHC mortgage insurance, and various grants and rebates, are invaluable tools in making homeownership more accessible and affordable in Canada. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or looking to make your home more energy-efficient, these programs can significantly reduce financial barriers. By taking full advantage of these resources, you can turn the dream of owning a home into a reality.

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